Air Creations, Inc. Blog : Archive for July, 2018

Cooling Off Some Common Air Conditioning Myths

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

woman-with-glassesThe internet has made it easy for people to access information on just about any topic with only a few keyboard clicks. But it also makes it easy for people to access misinformation as well, and many myths have now spread far and wide because of the web.

Air conditioning systems aren’t immune to this: there are many myths about how AC systems operate that we still run into. But we’d like to use the power of the internet to dispel some of these myths. Below are a few of the more common misunderstandings about air conditioning systems that you may have read or heard.

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When a Good AC Does Too Much: Short-Cycling

Monday, July 9th, 2018

tools-on-ac-unitHow can an AC do too much? You can always lower the thermostat, right?

Well, this is true if you don’t want your home to be too cold. And if your air conditioner was correctly sized for the house, adjusting the thermostat to a comfortable level is all you need to do.

The problem we’re talking about in this post is when your AC works too hard in another way. It’s called short-cycling, and it leads to high utility bills, uneven cooling, and eventually a busted air conditioner that needs to be retired before it’s time.

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